Here is a listing of these very close-to-perfect WHOLE NUMBERS that relate The Two Mars Satellites with The Four above mentioned mathematical and physical constants and with the rotation periods of The Sun and Moon – with FULL DEMONSTRATIONS of all calculations.
This is 7.29735308 x 10-3 and its reciprocal is 137.0359895
To see what The Fine Structure Constant is, and to verify its value, click on this link:-
(1). Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
137.0359895 x 1.2624407 = 172.9998105
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 2638 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(2). The Phobosic “Day” = 0.4640199 Earth sidereal days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Earth SIDEREAL day = Earth’s (sidereal) rotation period = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this time period, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
To understand the difference between The Earth solar day and The Earth sidereal day, click on the following link:-
0.462753 ÷ 0.9972697 = 0.4640199 Earth sidereal days.
2 x (137.0359895 + 0.4640199) = 275.0000188
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 26,595 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(3). Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days; and Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth days. To verify these two periods, click on the following link:-
4 x [(137.0359895 ÷ 0.31891023) + (137.0359895 ÷ 1.2624407)] = 2152.997
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 174 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
This is 1.618033989 and its reciprocal is 0.618033989
To verify this, click on the following link:-
(4). Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31978333 Earth sidereal days.
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.265896979 Earth sidereal days.
4 x (0.618033989 x 0.31978333 x 1.265896979) = 1.000752
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days; and Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Earth SIDEREAL day = Earth’s (sidereal) rotation period = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this time period, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
To understand the difference between The Earth solar day and The Earth sidereal day, click on the following link:-
0.31891023 ÷ 0.9972697 = 0.31978333 Earth sidereal days.
1.2624407 ÷ 0.9972697 = 1.265896979 Earth sidereal days.
4 x (0.618033989 x 0.31978333 x 1.265896979) = 1.000752
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 665 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(5). Mars’ synodic rotation period = 1.030303 Earth sidereal days.
Phobos’ synodic rotation period = 0.31993185 Earth sidereal days.
Deimos’ synodic rotation period = 1.26822756 Earth sidereal days.
The SUM of the synodic rotation periods of Mars, Phobos and Deimos = 2.6184624 Earth sidereal days.
This number exceeds The Golden ratio by
2.6184624 MINUS 1.618033989 = 1.000428
Mars’ synodic rotation period is calculated in the following manner:-
Mars’ (sidereal) rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ orbital period = 686.98 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
Mars’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 1.02749 Earth (solar) days.
Phobos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking” = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 0.319058343 Earth (solar) days.
Deimos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking” = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Deimos’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 1.2624407) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 1.2647649 Earth (solar) days.
The Earth SIDEREAL day = Earth’s (sidereal) rotation period = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this time period, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
To understand the difference between The Earth solar day and The Earth sidereal day, click on the following link:-
Now we have to convert these three periods into Earth SIDEREAL days.
1.02749 ÷ 0.9972697 = 1.030303 Earth SIDEREAL days.
0.319058343 ÷ 0.9972697 = 0.31993185 Earth SIDEREAL days.
1.2647649 ÷ 0.9972697 = 1.2682275 Earth SIDEREAL days.
The SUM of these three numbers = 2.6184624
This number exceeds The Golden ratio by
2.6184624 MINUS 1.618033989 = 1.000428
To understand what a synodic period is, click on the following link:-
To verify that the rotation periods of Phobos and Deimos are equal to their orbital periods, click on the following link, and see that the entry for rotation periods for these satellites are listed as the letter S, which stands for “same”, ie:- the same as the orbital period.
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 1167 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(6). The Phobosic Day = 0.46401993 Earth SIDEREAL Days.
4 x (1.6180339890.4640199) = 5.00074
DEMONSTRATION:- The Phobosic “Day” = 0.4640199 Earth sidereal days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Earth SIDEREAL day = Earth’s (sidereal) rotation period = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this time period, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
To understand the difference between The Earth solar day and The Earth sidereal day, click on the following link:-
0.462753 ÷ 0.9972697 = 0.4640199 Earth sidereal days.
4 x (1.6180339890.4640199) = 5.00074
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 674 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
π (pi) 3.141592654
(This number relates the circumference of a circle to its radius, and is one of the mathematical constants.) You can verify this value with most good pocket calculators.
(7). Mars’ synodic rotation period = 1.02749 Earth days.
Phobos’ synodic rotation period = 0.319058343 Earth days.
3π ÷ (1.02749 + 0.319058343) = 6.9992
Mars’ synodic rotation period is calculated in the following manner:-
Mars’ (sidereal) rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ orbital period = 686.98 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
Mars’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 1.02749 Earth (solar) days.
Phobos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking” = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 0.319058343 Earth (solar) days.
3π ÷ (1.02749 + 0.319058343) = 6.9992
To verify that the rotation periods of Phobos and Deimos are equal to their orbital periods, click on the following link, and see that the entry for rotation periods for these satellites are listed as the letter S, which stands for “same”, ie:- the same as the orbital period.
To understand what a synodic period is, click on the following link:-
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 625 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(8). Mars’ sidereal rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days.
Phobos’ sidereal rotation period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
Mars’ synodic rotation period = 1.02749 Earth days.
Phobos’ synodic rotation period = 0.319058343 Earth days.
3 x [π(1.025957 + 0.31891023) + π(1.02749 + 0.319058343)] = 28.0007655
Mars’ synodic rotation period is calculated in the following manner:-
Mars’ (sidereal) rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ orbital period = 686.98 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
Mars’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 1.02749 Earth (solar) days.
Phobos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking” = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 0.319058343 Earth (solar) days.
To understand what a synodic period is, click on the following link:-
3 x [π(1.025957 + 0.31891023) + π(1.02749 + 0.319058343)] = 28.0007655
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 653 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(9). Mars’ sidereal rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days.
Phobos’ sidereal rotation period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
Deimos’ sidereal rotation period = 1.2624407 Earth days.
4 x (π + 1.025957 + 0.31891023 + 1.2624407) = 22.9956
DEMONSTRATION:- Mars’ (sidereal) rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking”) = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days; and Deimos’ (sidereal) rotation period (which is equal to its orbital period, due to “tidal locking”) = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify these two periods, click on the following link:-
To verify that the rotation periods of Phobos and Deimos are equal to their orbital periods, click on the following link, and see that the entry for rotation periods for these satellites are listed as the letter S, which stands for “same”, ie:- the same as the orbital period.
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 113 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(10). Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
π x 0.31891023 = 1.00189
DEMONSTRATION:- Phobos’ orbital = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
π x 0.31891023 = 1.00189
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 264 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(11). The reciprocal of pi = 1 ÷ 3.141592654 = 0.318309886
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
0.31891023 ÷ 0.318309886 = 1.001886
DEMONSTRATION:- Phobos’ orbital = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 265 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
e (Euler’s Number – the base of natural logarithms) = 2.718281828
(You can find this on any good pocket calculator!)
(12). Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
The Phobosic “day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
2 x (2.718281828 + 0.462753 + 0.31891023) = 6.999890
DEMONSTRATION:- The Phobosic “Day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 4550 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
A better, but more complex version of the above is as follows:-
Phobos’ orbital (ie:- sidereal revolution) period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
Phobos’ synodic revolution) period = 0.319058343 Earth days. To verify this, see below:-
Mars’ orbital period = 686.98 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 0.319058343 Earth (solar) days.
To understand what a synodic period is, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
(2 x 2.718281828) + (2 x 0.462753) + (0.31891023 + 0.319058343) = 7.00003823
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 13,078 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(13). Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days; and Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth days. (Their rotation periods are the same as their orbital periods, due to “tidal locking”.) To verify these two periods, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
To verify that the rotation periods of Phobos and Deimos are equal to their orbital periods, click on the following link, and see that the entry for rotation periods for these satellites are listed as the letter S, which stands for “same”, ie:- the same as the orbital period.
24 x [2.718281828(1.025957 + 0.31891023 + 1.2624407) = 216.9998478
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 3285 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
We will look at relationships that involve only The Sun, The Moon, and The Two Mars Satellites (Phobos and Deimos). Here are the (sidereal) rotation periods (expressed in Earth days) of these four bodies.
The Sun 24.66225 and The Moon 27.321661 and Phobos 0.31891023 and Deimos 1.2624407
Also, The Sun’s Oscillation Period = 0.111111111111 Earth days (ie:- EXACTLY One Ninth of an Earth day!)
To verify the Sun’s (sidereal) rotation period, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
To verify the orbital periods (which are the same as their rotation periods, due to “tidal locking”) of The Moon, Phobos, and Deimos, click on the following link:-
To verify The Sun’s Oscillation Period, click on the following link:-
To verify that the rotation periods of The Moon, Phobos, and Deimos are equal to their orbital periods, click on the following link, and see that the entry for rotation periods for these satellites are listed as the letter S, which stands for “same”, ie:- the same as the orbital period.
(14). 27.321661 x 0.31891023 x 1.2624407 = 10.99984
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 3125 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(15). 24.66225 x (0.31891023 + 1.2624407) = 38.99967
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 1515 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(16). (2√24.66225) x 0.31891023 x 1.2624407 = 1.99938
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 806 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(17). 3 x (2√27.321661 x 0.31891023) = 5.00084
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 595 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(18). [27.321661(1.2624407 minus 0.31891023)] x 2 = 68.00008764
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 5705 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(19). [(2√24.66225)0.31891023] x 3 = 5.00136
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 367 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(20). (27.321661 + 0.31891023)2 = 764.0011779
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 424 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(21). [(2√24.66225 + 2√27.321661) x 0.31891023] x 4 = 13.00276
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 181 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(22). 3 x 24.66225 x 0.111111111111 x (0.31891023 + 1.2624407) = 12.99989
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 4545 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(23). (24.66225 x 3) ÷ 0.31891023 = 231.99867
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 376 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(24). [(0.31891023 + 1.2624407)2] x 2 = 5.00134
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 373 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(24A). Now, while still confining examples to only these four bodies, we will introduce some other (synodic) periods that pertain to these bodies.
Phobos’ SYNODIC Revolution Period = 0.319058343 Earth days.
Deimos’ SYNODIC Revolution Period = 1.2647649 Earth days.
To verify these two periods, see below:-
Mars’ orbital period = 686.98 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link, and look in the column entitled P Rotation (days):-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Phobos’ synodic revolution period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 0.319058343 Earth (solar) days.
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Deimos’ synodic revolution period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 1.2624407) MINUS (1 ÷ 686.98)] = 1.2647649 Earth (solar) days.
To understand what a synodic period is, click on the following link:-
The Sun’s SYNODIC Rotation Period = 26.44803 Earth days.
To verify this, see below:-
The Earth’s orbital period = 365.256 Earth days; and The Sun’s (sidereal) rotation period = 24.66225 Earth days. To verify these two periods, click on the following link, and look in the columns entitled P Orbital (days), and P Rotation (days):-
The Sun’s synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 24.66225) MINUS (1 ÷ 365.256)] = 26.44803 Earth (solar) days
The Moon’s SYNODIC Revolution Period = 29.5305882 Earth days.
To verify this, click on the following link:-
Also, we will be using The Sun’s Oscillation Period, which is 0.11111111 Earth days. To verify this period, click on the following link:-
(25). This involves the orbital periods of Phobos and Deimos (0.31891023 and 1.2624407) and The Synodic Revolution Period of Deimos (1.2647649). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(0.31891023 + 1.2624407) x 1.2647649 = 2.000037
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 13,513 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(26). This involves The Sun’s synodic rotation period (26.44803), and the orbital periods of Phobos and Deimos (0.31891023 and 1.2624407), and The Sun’s Oscillation Period (0.11111111). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(26.44803 + 0.11111111111) x (0.31891023 + 1.2624407) = 41.99932
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 735 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(27). This involves The Sun’s (sidereal) rotation period (24.66225) and Phobos’ synodic revolution period (1.2647649). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(24.66225 x 2) ÷ 1.2647649 = 38.99895
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 476 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(28). This involves the (sidereal) orbital periods of Phobos and Deimos (0.31891023 and 1.2624407) and the synodic revolution period of Deimos (1.2647649). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
[4 x (0.31891023 + 1.2624407)] ÷ 1.2647649 = 5.0012
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 416 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(29). This involves the synodic rotation periods of The Moon (29.5305882) and The Sun (26.44803) and the synodic rotation periods of Phobos (0.319058343) and Deimos (1.2647649). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(29.5305882 MINUS 26.44803 MINUS 0.319058343 MINUS 1.2647649) x 4 = 2.99747
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 197 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(30). This involves The Moon’s synodic rotation period (29.5305882) and The Moon’s (sidereal) rotation period (27.321661) and The Sun’s sidereal rotation period (24.66225) and The Sun’s synodic rotation period (26.44803) and Phobos’ sidereal rotation period (0.31891023) and Phobos’ synodic rotation period (0.319058343). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
[(29.5305882 + 27.321661) MINUS (24.66225 + 26.44803)] ÷ (0.31891023 + 0.319058343) = 9.000395
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 1265 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(31). This involves The Moon’s synodic revolution period (29.5305882) and Phobos’ synodic revolution period (0.319058343). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(29.5305882 + 0.319058343)2 = 891.001399
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 357 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(32). This involves the sidereal and synodic rotation periods of Phobos (0.31891023 and 0.319058343 – respectively); and the sidereal and synodic rotation periods of Deimos (1.2624407 and 1.2647649 – respectively); and the sidereal and synodic rotation periods of The Moon (27.321661 and 29.5305882 – respectively); and the sidereal and synodic rotation periods of The Sun (24.66225 and 26.44803 – respectively). Scroll back up to (24A) to verify these periods.
(1 ÷ 0.31891023) + (1 ÷ 0.319058343) + (1 ÷ 1.2624407) + (1 ÷ 1.2647649) + (1 ÷ 27.321661) + (1 ÷ 29.5305882) + (1 ÷ 24.66225) + (1 ÷ 26.44803) = 8.001494
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 334 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
In the next several examples, we are still involving only these same four bodies, Sun, Moon, Phobos, and Deimos, but with different periods that pertain to these bodies.
(33). The Lunar Day = 1.0350501 Earth solar days, or 1.0378838 Earth SIDEREAL DAYS.
The Phobosic Day = 0.462753 Earth solar days, or 0.4640199 Earth SIDEREAL DAYS.
The SUM of these four numbers = 2.9997069
These four periods are calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “Day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Earth sidereal day = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
To understand the difference between The Earth solar day and The Earth sidereal day, click on the following link:-
0.462753 ÷ 0.9972697 = 0.4640199 Earth sidereal days.
The Lunar day = 1.0350501 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
The Moon’s orbital period = 27.321661 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Earth’s (sidereal) rotation period = 0.9972697 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Lunar day is the time period between successive risings of The Moon on a fixed horizon on Earth. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Lunar day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.9972697) MINUS (1 ÷ 27.321661)] = 1.0350501 Earth (solar) days.
The Earth sidereal day = 0.9972697 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
1.0350501 ÷ 0.9972697 = 1.0378838 Earth sidereal days.
The SUM of these four numbers = 2.9997069
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 1705 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(34). The Phobosic Day = 0.462753 Earth solar days. The Deimosic Day = 5.476951998 Earth solar days. The Moon’s orbital period = 27.321661 Earth days.
27.321661 x (5.476951998 MINUS 0.462753) = 136.996245
These periods are calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “Day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Deimosic “Day” = 5.476951998 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Deimosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Deimos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Deimosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.2624407)] = 5.476951998 Earth (solar) days.
The Moon’s orbital period = 27.321661 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 133 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(35). The Phobosic Day = 0.462753 Earth solar days. The Deimosic Day = 5.476951998 Earth solar days. Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days.
The calculation of these three periods is carried out in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “Day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Deimosic “Day” = 5.476951998 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Deimosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Deimos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Deimosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.2624407)] = 5.476951998 Earth (solar) days.
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
[23 x (0.462753 + 5.476951998)] ÷ 0.31891023 = 149.0000493
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 10,142 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(36). THREE times the difference between The SYNODIC Rotation Periods of The Moon and The Sun = 28.9977 Phobos orbital periods.
The Moon’s synodic rotation period = 29.5305882 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Sun’s SYNODIC Rotation Period = 26.44803 Earth days.
To verify this, see below:-
The Earth’s orbital period = 365.256 Earth days; and The Sun’s (sidereal) rotation period = 24.66225 Earth days. To verify these two periods, click on the following link, and look in the columns entitled P Orbital (days), and P Rotation (days):-
The Sun’s synodic rotation period =
1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 24.66225) MINUS (1 ÷ 365.256)] = 26.44803 Earth (solar) days
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
[3 x (29.5305882 MINUS 26.44803)] ÷ 0.31891023 = 28.9977 Phobos orbital periods.
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 220 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-
(37). The Phobosic Day = 0.462753 Earth solar days. The Deimosic Day = 5.476951998 Earth solar days. The SUM of these two periods = 5.939704998 Earth days. Phobos’ rotation period = 0.31891023 Earth days. Deimos’ rotation period = 1.2624407 Earth days. Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify these periods, see below:-
The Phobosic “Day” = 0.462753 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Phobosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Phobos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Phobosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 0.31891023) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.025957)] = 0.462753 Earth (solar) days.
The Deimosic “Day” = 5.476951998 Earth days.
This is calculated in the following manner:-
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Mars’ rotation period = 1.025957 Earth days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
The Deimosic “day” is the time period between successive risings of Deimos on a fixed horizon on Mars. It is calculated in the following manner:-
The Deimosic “day =
1 ÷ (1 ÷ 1.025957) MINUS (1 ÷ 1.2624407)] = 5.476951998 Earth (solar) days.
Phobos’ orbital period = 0.31891023 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
Deimos’ orbital period = 1.2624407 Earth (solar) days. To verify this, click on the following link:-
(5.939704998 MINUS 1.02596 MINUS 0.31891023 MINUS 1.2624407) x 3 = 9.99718 Earth days.
On average, only 1 randomly generated number in 177 randomly generated numbers will be this close to a PERFECT WHOLE NUMBER. To see how this is calculated, click on the following link:-